Does the Star Wars LEGO commercial spoil part of The Force Awakens?

Is Star Wars: The Force Awakens really just A New Hope all over again?

While I wholeheartedly admit I may be grasping at straws with this, I’ve got a theory (yes, another) that the newly leaked Star Wars LEGO toy commercial spoils at least some of the plot of The Force Awakens. We know that Disney will unveil its latest line of The Force Awakens toys on Friday, perhaps alongside a new trailer that could reveal some more of the film’s story, but the new commercial may have clued us in early.

Related: Did Star Wars: The Force Awakens' poster drop an even bigger clue about Han Solo, Finn, and Rey?

But before we get to the actual commercial, let’s first recap what we know. We know, based on the very first teaser, that BB-8 will be on a desert planet of some sort. That’s likely the new planet Jakku where we also find Finn (John Boyega) and Rey (Daisy Ridley). So the question is what brings them all there? Well, we know Rey is a scavenger on the planet, but what brings Finn and BB-8 to the planet?

Enter Star Wars: The Force Awakens LEGO commercial. So there are theories that Finn is a Stormtrooper on the run from The First Order. What if Finn has helped BB-8, possibly carrying information pertinent to The First Order, escape, only to crash land on Jakku. For whatever reason, the two get separated. Finn meets Rey, and BB-8, well, what if he gets chased by Kylo Ren? That’s where new ace pilot Poe Dameron could come in, saving BB-8 and engaging in a dogfight with Kylo Ren (whose ship was also revealed in the commercial). Perhaps at one point the Millennium Falcon also enters the scene (which we’ve seen in previous trailers). Like, I said, wild speculation.

Now I admit this theory is based solely on the commercial and if you believe it to be true and not just some made up premise to advertise the new LEGO playsets for Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren. Sure, it’s basically the plot of A New Hope all over again, but it just makes too much sense. Something has got to unite all these characters. Why not BB-8 carrying information regarding, perhaps, the Starkiller Base? Would it really be too far-fetched to think The Force Awakens could recycle plot? The only thing causing myself to doubt this theory is the idea that Disney and Lucasfilm would allow LEGO to reveal part of the actual plot in a commercial.

So believe it to be true, or don’t. At the very least we’ve at least got some fuel for speculation. And our first look at Kylo Ren’s spaceship. Just remember though, if this scene plays out in Star Wars: The Force Awakens — you read about it here first.