Donald Glover says playing Lando Calrissian is “a big deal” to him

Does Donald Glover make you want to see the Han Solo movie?

Donald Glover dishes on his role as a young Lando Calrissian in the upcoming Han Solo project.

The upcoming Han Solo prequel movie (title TBD) is scheduled to begin filming next month. Ever since the announcement that stand up comic/musician/actor, Donald Glover, has been cast as young Lando Calrissian, Star Wars fans everywhere have been on the edge of their seats. The roaring success of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' opened the doors for a newfound acceptance of prequels and now a fan-favorite like Glover is officially a part of it.

Speaking with the press at this year's Golden Globes, Glover dished on his hopes and expectations for tackling such an iconic character in the 'Star Wars' universe:

“Lando’s a big deal to me. It was literally the first toy I ever got. When you have something that’s kind of iconic where people pay attention to it, it’s hard because you want to live up to the expectation, but all you can do is live up to your own, and 'Star Wars' is really high. I really just want to have fun. The directors [Christopher Miller and Phil Lord], they’re amazing. I love [Alden Ehrenreich] who is playing Han. It’s going to be a good time. It’s going to be fun. I’m getting ready to just have fun with those guys.”

The movie stars Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, and Emilia Clarke.

[USA Today]

Untitled Han Solo releases 2018!