Double Fine teases Hack ‘n’ Slash for PC, Mac, and Linux

Double Fine has launched a teaser site for Hack 'n' Slash, a prototype made during its Amnesia Fortnight developer challenge late last year.

The website currently consists of a single, colorful image of a Link-like hero (with a fairy guide) in a rune-covered dungeon room. Clicking on it launches a download for a 12MB-plus JPEG file extension and ZIP file that contains a video, an audio file, and text message.

According to the Amnesia Fortnight website, Brandon Dillon of Double Fine was the project lead on Hack 'n' Slash, which is a puzzle-dungeon game that involves cheating, hacking, and reverse-engineering. Players are armed with a laptop instead of a sword.

Hack 'n' Slash will launch as a full game for PC, Mac, and Linux in the first half of 2014.

Via: Destructoid