Download Your Way To The Depths Of Adventure!

October 3, 2007

Download Your Way To The Depths
Of Adventure! Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa Now Available As A Download!

Shrapnel Games is pleased to
announce that Chronic Reality’s Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa is now
available for purchase as a download! Available for Windows, the game retails
for $29.95 and can be acquired directly from the Shrapnel Games e-store, the
Gamers Front
.  Download and let the
mushroom fueled hackorgy begin within minutes!

Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa
is a sprawling single-player action RPG in the Rogue tradition; randomly created
levels populated with fresh bad guys and booty with each new play. Playing as
Rapius, the reluctant hero intent on saving his valley and its supply of ShrOOm
ale, gamers will experience eight different worlds (Dirt Caves, Insect Nest,
Tagloth Dungeons, Ice World, Fungus Gardens, Magma Caverns, Necropolis, and Lost
City), each with ten levels for a total of eighty levels of dungeon descending
action. In these worlds players will deal with environmental challenges (and no,
not things like making sure the aluminum cans are separated from the plastic
bottles), fiendish monsters, and powerful boss creatures. And then there’s the

Everyone knows you always play a
non-human in RPGs to get all the cool racial bonuses, but not Rapius. Unable to
see in the dark Rapius has been forced to bring along a lantern to light his
way. Players can control how brightly the lantern burns, which affects both the
rate of oil burning and how well Rapius can be spotted by the lurkers below.
Turn it low and it’s possible to sneak your way through the dark, or fire that
sucker up to engage your foes from a distance. Just remember to keep an eye out
for flasks of oil otherwise it’s lights out!

Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa
offers massive replayability. There are four different levels of difficulty to
choose from, and the randomly generated content ensures that players have plenty
to discover with each new session. Items can be collected and combined, and
there are over twenty different status effects Rapius can be hit with, many of
which can be quite positive.

Even if players have beaten the game
at every difficulty level a dozen times over, and they think they’ve ingested
every form of mushroom and smoked every bit of fungus, there is still giving in
to your RAGe! RAGe (Random Adventure Game engine) allows anyone to mod
Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa with basic software tools most users will
probably have on their desktop already. No programming skills needed, just your

Using RAGe items can be altered,
added, or deleted. Monsters can be weakened or toughened up, given new powers,
or created from scratch. Want to add in new sound effects or music? You can do
so within seconds. Tweak how the maps are made. Want them smaller? Larger?
Control the rarity of items. Make the adventure you want to play. Pull out your
best dungeoncrawl module from your favorite pen and paper RPG and turn it into a
game! Or go into a completely different direction from fantasy and turn
Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa into a Roaring Twenties mob adventure! All
it takes is some time and creativity.

Besides the ease of modding the
basic game with no programming skills, those that do possess the mad C++ skills
can create plug-ins that change the core experience itself, opening up numerous
gameplay possibilities.

To read more about Scallywag: In the
Lair of the Medusa, or click here to download the
(which allows users to sample how easy it is to mod), please visit: