Motovo Real Estate calculated the price of Dr. Wily's skull castle from Mega Man 2 "without any of the robots, traps, or the projection system … that Dr. Wiley had installed."
To figure out the total cost, the company determined the square footage of the castle (about 167,250), a probable location (a spot near Mt. Fuji, Japan), and the average property price of the area per square foot ($679).
It all adds up to $113,562,750. That's … a lot of money.
What if you could afford a fortress like that? "You might want to consider buying a Roomba or 2,000 for the place, though," reads the blog post, which explains each step in detail. "Just remember: They’ll work on tile and carpet no problem, but not on deadly spikes. Man, those spikes."
Via: Capcom