After plenty of teasing, Bandai Namco announced the sequel to Dragon Ball Xenoverse back in May. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is scheduled to release for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on October 25th, 2016 with plenty of new features.
In addition to having the “largest and most detailed Dragon Ball world ever developed,” a new hub city, more character customization choices, new features and upgrades, Xenoverse 2 will also feature a new multiplayer mode: Expert Mission. This mode will allow up to six players to come together and take down bosses – you can check it out in the trailer above.
Bandai Namco knows how important it is to test the goods before they release it, so, they are planning an open beta. No specifics on the beta have been revealed, but we do know that it will allow players to explore Conton City, the new hub city. In Conton, players will be able to do a number of quests, training, and shopping.