Dragon Quest XI gets new gameplay trailer among other big reveals, will release in Japan next year

Jump Festa 2017 is all about that Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest is probably the closest thing we have to a modern take on the classic JRPG, and from the looks of this new gameplay trailer, that trend is likely to continue. Jump Festa 2017 is going on right now, and the big news out of the show is a live stream that recently concluded, showcasing a ton of the upcoming JRPG Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time. The developers showed off the game running on both the PS4 and the 3DS (embedded above) as well as the game's opening cinematic (embedded below).

The developers also released the official descriptions and images of the game's protagonist as well as the companion, Camus. Here they are via Gematsu:

Dragon Quest XI gets new gameplay trailer among other big reveals, will release in Japan next year

Protagonist: A young man who lives in the tranquil village of Ishi. He was brought up soundly by the people of the warm community. The curtain opens on his adventure on the day he turns 16.

Dragon Quest XI gets new gameplay trailer among other big reveals, will release in Japan next year

Camus: A reliable partner. He is a blue-haired thief that the protagonist encounters on his journey. Although there is a rough side to his behavior and speech, he possesses a strong sense of duty and a warm heart. As a partner used to the ways of the world, he supports and guides the novice protagonist.

On top of the characters, we also got a look at the game's overworld map. Here it is.

Dragon Quest XI gets new gameplay trailer among other big reveals, will release in Japan next year

If you're interested in checking out the full live stream, head over here. It's also worth noting that there was no mention of the game's Nintendo Switch version, which we know is supposed to be in the works. Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will be releasing on PS4, 3DS, and (supposedly) the Nintendo Switch sometime next year.

Source: [Gematsu]