Duke Nukem rights acquired by Gearbox

Today, Gearbox Software announced that they have acquired the rights to the Duke Nukem franchise, including Duke Nukem Forever, as well as all future projects in what they call a “cooperative deal made with 3D Realms.”

Just two days ago, we heard the official news that the long-awaited Duke Nukem Forever was in development by Gearbox, but today the studio has made the announcement that they have the rights to the series as well. Which likely means more Duke Nukem in the future.

“The Gearbox Software team and I are ecstatic that we have grown to a position to be able to pick up and carry the torch and help Duke rise back to glory in his time of need,” says President of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford, who also said that Duke Nukem 3D was the game that helped him launch his professional career in game development.

3D Realms co-founder Scott Miller said that, “Gearbox was handpicked as the new home for Duke Nukem because of their continued passion, commitment and long-time heritage with the brand and 3D Realms.”

The game will be published by 2K Games, who maintains exclusive, long-term publishing rights. Duke Nukem Forever is set to launch in 2011 on the PS3 and Xbox 360.