Dying Light: The Following will keep you coming back with Bounties

Dying Light takes a page out of Destiny's book with Bounties

Dying Light: The Following is going to be a massive expansion, and every day Techland reveals a new feature or more content. Today, the developer talked more about Bounties, daily and weekly objectives designed to keep you engaged in the world of Dying Light. 

“Now that the Enhanced Edition has gone gold, we can focus on telling our fans everything they want to know about the enhancements we’ve made," says Maciej Binkowski, lead game designer. "Today we’re showing Bounties. Basically, these are unique objectives that change every day. So even if you did all the quests, challenges, you always have a reason to jump in, preferably with some friends. Bounties are a great way to bump up your XP, especially for the new Legend Levels which players will unlock once they max out one the base skill trees.”

Bounties will unlock after you complete the main story line and aim to give you something new to do every time you log in. There are three main categories of bounties:

Basic Bounties: "Fun tasks" you can complete while exploring the quarantine zone or doing quests. These come in the form of beheading zombies, surviving night chases, and more.

Dailies: These are bounties that change every day and explore the extremes of various gameplay elements of Dying Light, such as climbing the highest point in Harran.

Community Challenges: These will last for a couple of days and see the Dying Light community work together for a cumuluative goal. If the goal is met, you'll all receive a reward. 

The first Community Challenge will be announced after Dying Light: The Following releases on February 9, 2016. Check out 11 minutes of new gameplay from Dying Light's upcoming expansion here.