After a teaser announcement at September’s Tokyo Game Show, Tecmo Koei officially unveiled Dynasty Warriors 7 at the Akasaka Blitz Event in Tokyo yesterday, according to AndriaSang.
Kicking off with a greeting by Tecmo Koei CEO Kenji Matsubara, various guests, including Sony Computer Entertainment Japan President Hiroshi Kawano and series Producer Akihiro Suzuki, introduced bullet point features that the seventh entry in the series will include. They are:
– 3D Support
– New systems and modes, including seamless play where the game switches between cut scenes and gameplay without transitioning
– A new story mode called chronicle mode
– New generals, including Sima Shi, Sima Zhao and Bao Sanniang
– Gameplay tweaks, including the ability to switch weapons during battle and stacking up two musou gauges for chained attacks