E3 2016: New Berserk game, teaser trailer, and official website

The most obvious franchise to make into a musou game

Koei Tecmo released a teaser trailer for a new Berserk game they're working on, and true to their nature it's a little NSFW. The trailer in question seems to be from the iconic rape of Casca, as it features her naked body slowly being…caressed…by slimy tentacles that make their way to her Brand of Sacrifice. It's fan service, kinky, and oh my f*%king god a new Berserk game!

Berserk Website

The website goes live June 23, 2016. We also have news of PS4/PS3/PSVita releases in Japan and PS4/PSVita/Steam releases in the West. We're unable to confirm if it will feature cross-buy or cross-save at the moment, but we'll update you as the information becomes available.

Check out the aforementioned NSFW trailer below: