E3 2017: Original Xbox games coming to backwards compatibility

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In what was one of the most shocking announcements at Microsoft's E3 press conference this year, Phil Spencer revealed that Xbox One's Backwards Compatibility will be facing another expansion. 

And, it's no ordinary expansion. Original Xbox games are finally coming to your Xbox One consoles. 

"We believe that games – like books, movies and music – should be celebrated and enjoyed by countless generations," Spencer said. 

"Two years ago, we launched the Xbox Backwards Compatibility program to bring Xbox 360 games to your Xbox One, and we have seen tremendous growth in the program. Today, our library of games stands at 385 titles and over half of Xbox One gamers have played a backward compatible game. But, I've heard your feedback and you want more.

"Today, I am pleased to announce an exciting expansion to the program" he said, before the original Xbox logo appeared on-screen to a chorus of applause and cheers. 

The move has been slightly teased by the Head of Xbox as he recently changed his Twitter profile picture to the original Xbox logo, but now it is official. 

These additions will mean that Xbox gamers will be able to play all their favourite games from the early 2000s, such as the original Halo game, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Crash Bandicoot and much more.

Original Xbox titles will be made available on Xbox One consoles later this year and on the brand new Xbox One X platform.