EA confirms Titanfall 2 releasing this year, Mass Effect: Andromeda 2017

Kinda saw that coming, right?

At a recent event, the Morgan Stanley Media, Technology and Telecom Conference, EA's CFO Blake Jorgensen, stated to a group at the event about some upcomings going on at the company. They reiterate and clarify the remarks we brought you last week in their earnings call about both Titanfall 2 and Mass Effect: Andromeda's release windows. According to Mr. Jorgensen, 

"We've got a great year ahead… we've got our Battlefield first-person shooter game coming in the third quarter, and our third-party title that Respawn, our partner, built, it's called TItanfall, it's the second title that they brought into that brand. Both of those are first-person shooters and will be targeted around the fast, action-driven shooter market, as well as the strategy-driven market in that quarter… We have our Mirror's Edge runner game this first quarter, and then we have Mass Effect, which is a sci-fi action game, in our fourth quarter. So big year ahead and we're pretty excited."

Both of those actually make sense. You don't want two sci-fi games released next to each so closely and, with Titanfall 2 having a single player campaign rather than just a shooter, the company would be competing against itself by releasing both games at the same time. Both Mass Effect 2 and 3 released on January 26th and March 6th respectively. Only the original title released later in the year and that was by a different publisher in Microsoft Game Studios. If you remember, Mass Effect was originally intended to be an Xbox exclusive.

I don't see this as being a big deal. After all, more development time is good and the games have yet to be delayed yet. Add that to the fact that we haven't seen a single stitch of gameplay yet from either title, and I'm fine with waiting for quality.

What do you think about this? Let us know. 
