At EA's Investor Day event, EA Studios Executive VP, Patrick Soderlund talked a lot about Star Wars: Battlefront at length, specifically its reception. It's no secret that Battlefront has sold well (over 14 million copies) but it's fair to say that the game left something to be desired in the minds of the fans.
Many lamented the fact that there was no single player campaign, including John Boyega while others felt that some of the multiplayer modes were either unbalanced or too thin. All of these things combined together to give the game a rather average Metacritic score of 75.
Soderlund explained that DICE left out a true Single Player component on purpose with the intention of being able to release the game just ahead of The Force Awakens film. This isn't uncommon, as companies typically like to promote their IP's in as many ways as they can all within a strict timeframe. However, Soderlund was not exactly thrilled about the game's overall score.
"I think the team created a really good game based on the premise that we had. I would say the game has done very well for us and reached a very different demographic than a traditional EA game. So from that perspective, it's a success. Are we happy with the 75 rating? No. Is that something we're going to cure going forward? Absolutely."
Soderlund also mentioned that "depth and breadth" were important aspects that the company looks towards when creating a new game, specifically that for shooters games they have both a single player and multiplayer component.
Source: [Gamespot]