EA wants PC players to trust them again

Just put your friggin' games on Steam and NOT Origin.

Electronic Arts's (EA) CEO Andrew Wilson recently stepped out of the woodwork to say that the game publishers/developers were not the bad guys that everyone makes them out to be. Oddly enough, EA doesn't want you spending money on something once and never paying again – they want you to spend your money while you're playing the game (doesn't that still make them the bad guy?).

Now, the senior marketing director for Origin is saying that they want to 'regain' the trust of PC players.

“We are on a journey to regain the trust of the PC gamer,” said Peter O’Reilly, senior marketing director for Origin.

“Over the last couple of years we have focused on ensuring a great play experience from launch and bringing players a better experience on Origin with programs like the Great Game Guarantee, On the House, and now Origin Access. We’re excited about the progress we’ve made, but are always pushing ourselves to innovate on behalf of players.”

For starters, they can make it so gamers don't  have to go through Origin to play their games and maybe allow their games on Steam again…