EarthBound creator working on a ‘Mother rerelease’

Shigesato Itoi, the creator of the EarthBound (known as Mother in Japan), is working on a new project.

It's not a sequel to Mother 3, though — the last game in the series, which came out in Japan in 2006.

Itoi tweeted, "Since I’m allowed to drop it on you all now, I’ll just go ahead and say it. The 'Mother rerelease' I’d mentioned a bit before, we’re making progress on that.”

He added, "It’s not 4! We’re trying to get Mother working again right now. I still can’t mention any details, but I have to make clear that this isn’t 4’!”

EarthBound (or Mother 2) is the only game in the series to be released in the U.S. It came out for the Super Nintendo in 1995. Whatever Itoi is planning, classic role-playing fans are surely welcoming the surprise.

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