Despite that El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron has yet to launch in North America, developer Ignition Entertainment has confirmed that the game is on its way to becoming a brand. This was evidenced by the recent release of merchandise, including a manga by Square Enix. I guess this means we can expect a lot more El Shaddai down the road.
In a statement to Destructoid, Ignition confirmed that it has plans for future releases in the series. Whether the developers will launch full sequels or offer some cheap DLC will be determined at a later time. “I think first maybe we’ll do more of spin-offs … whether that’s DLC, I think it might be cool to port this to Wii U or Vita maybe,” expressed an Ignition rep.
El Shaddai looks like the type of game that would eventually get more content in the form of a sequel or add-ons. Those snazzy visuals have to be taken advantage of, after all. Of course, from what we’ve heard, the gameplay can become a bit tiresome, so Ignition would have their work cut out for them with the next entry.
Are you eagerly looking forward to El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron? Are you looking forward to any possible sequels, spin-offs, or DLC even though you haven’t played the original yet? Yeah, it’s kind of hard to get pumped for something when you haven’t even played the source material. Oh, Ignition, you’re so silly!