Elder Scrolls Online gets new features in Update 5

Woo better looking NPC'S!

Earlier this year the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls Online and since then, it's been seeing a fair amount of love from the developers.

Update 5 will be bringing tons of new features to the game.

The new features will look something like this: Veteran City of Ash has been added as the continuation dungeon City of Ash, new andimproved facial animations are hitting the game so that NPCs will look more realistic. That's not all though ZeniMax has also implemented the next phase of the Veteran Rank improvements. New  crafting styles have been added and so have chat bubbles, although, the chat bubbles are still in beta and will only appear if you enable them in your settings. That's a bunch of additions.

On top of the new features, the ESO was polished — combat, gameplay, dungeons, and quests will be running more fluidly.

You can check out the full patch notes here.
