Endless Space brings discord with the expansion ‘Disharmony’ this summer

If you’re a fan of the 4x game Endless Space, you should be excited to know that there will be an expansion coming out this summer for Steam called Disharmony. This expansion will introduce a new faction, new weapon systems, new fighters, and new bombers. AI will be getting a significant upgrade and become less predictable. On top of all that, Iceberg Interactive is adding a brand-spanking-new faction called “The Harmony.”  

“We’re lucky to have a motivated team and even luckier to have such an incredible community,” commented Mathieu Girard, CEO of Amplitude Studios. “Our expansion pack has been designed based on player requests and community G2G votes, and we hope that it fulfills – or surpasses – their expectations."

While much isn’t known about The Harmony, you better bet they will be releasing information soon. Endless Space: Disharmony will cost you $10. Until then, here is a bulleted list of game features:

  • A brand new Faction called “The Harmony” with the main objective to ANNIHILATE DUST!
  • New fighters and bomber units that will completely change the shape of combat, especially with the new Battle Formation and Targeting systems
  • A complete rework of the Ship Design Interface giving an improved Weapon System that includes family types for modules (short, medium and long range)
  • New invasion mechanics have been added: prepare the population for bombardments, sieges and land invasions
  • Expect to face a real challenge when playing against AI opponents with the new Adaptive Multi-Agent Artificial Intelligence System (AMAS)
  • Other additions and features voted or requested by the community include:
  • Four new heroes (Games2Gether)
  • A new option to disable exchange of technologies, as a request from the Multiplayer community