Kite, which is the 2014 movie based on the cult Anime movie of the same name, revolves around a young orphaned girl named Sawa (India Eisley) on a hunt to assassinate those who murdered both of her parents.
The movie stars Callan McAuliffe and Samuel L. Jackson in an action packed movie of assassination and betrayal. Pick up your copy today or enter to win either a DVD or Blu-ray copy through our exclusive giveaway!
Entering the giveaway is easy:
- Log in to Twitter and make sure to follow GameZone's Twitter, so we can contact you if you win
- Share the following text on Twitter, including the unique hashtag: Enter to win a copy of Kite (2014) #KiteGiveawayGZ
That's all there's to it.
Kite, starring Samuel L. Jackson is Now Available on Blu-ray ™, DVD, On Demand & iTunes