Square Enix has announced the release date for the last DLC of Final Fantasy XV. Episode Ardyn is coming out March 26th for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and will be conclusion of FFXV’s long post-launch support. Square Enix also created an awesome prologue for Episode Ardyn in form of an anime short-film. You can watch Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn – Prologue right now!
Final Fantasy XV’s long and tumultuous tale is reaching its finale very soon with Episode Ardyn’s release next month. As the ultimate DLC content, publisher & developer Square-Enix is ramping up their marketing for what is – hopefully – going to become the swan song for an infamous game.
Calling the development tale of Final Fantasy XV turbulent would be a massive understatement. It has long gone and became the poster child for a game in development hell. Initially starting out as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, the project ended up a sore pain for Square Enix for a decade. Against all odds however, its story still got a happy end after turning into a multiplatform open-world JRPG, and finally coming out in 2016.
To everyone’s surprise, it actually ended up a great game, was eventually ported to the PC and went on to sell over 8 million copies. An abridged version for smartphones and tablets even made its way on the Nintendo Switch and enabled player there to – somewhat – experience it.
It sure looked like a fairy tale comeback but it wouldn’t be Final Fantasy XV, if all went smooth. To everyone’s surprise, Square Enix parted ways with the game producer responsible for the unexpected success of FFXV’s, Hajime Tabata. Furthermore, almost all left DLC was scrapped, with only one more Episode set to come out. Episode Adryn.
Now, players know when the last DLC is coming. March 26th, FFXV players will be able to experience the story of Ardyn Lucis Caelum, one of the major characters. It was supposed to be part of three more character-focused DLC but alas, it will end up the sole part of the once-planned second and last DLC Season.