Europe gets Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water limited edition and demo

Now with more wet Japanese women

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water has received a European release date, limited edition, and name change. On October 30, Europeans will be able to get their hands on "Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water"  and a limited edition release that includes  the physical copy, dual-sided poster, artbook, photographs of spirits, and a steelbook case. Europe continues to get all the cool limited editions.

Additionally, there will be a free demo on the e-Shop on the day of release. Said demo will cover the prologue and first two chapters. Fatal Frame games tend to be horrifying, so the demo will be a good way to see if you're too big a baby to finish the story. It looks to be pretty meaty, and should allow players to get accustomed to the camera based combat.

Keep in mind this is all for Europe. We know Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will be coming to North America, but Nintendo of America doesn't have a great track record when it comes to non-Nintendo limited edition collections. Hopefully we'll get word on it soon, along with that demo.