European developers prefer PS4 over Xbox One

According to a survey conducted prior to this year's Game Developers Conference, European developers prefer the PlayStation 4 over the Xbox One. Over 300 European games industry members were asked about their development plans for next-gen systems.

13% of respondents said they were working on PlayStation 4 games, compared to 9% working on Xbox One and just 5% on Wii U. The numbers jumped even more in favor for the PS4 in future intentions; 23% were planning to create a PS4 title next, while 14% were looking at developing for the Xbox One. Sadly, just 7% were considering the Wii U.

Perhaps the most unsurprising number was how many plan on developing for mobile devices. 66% of respondents said they were planning on creating a mobile title next, presumably due to the rising cost of game development. 53% planned to create a PC title.

It's worth noting that this survey was conducted prior to Microsoft's DRM change for the Xbox One, so it's possible that these numbers could have changed in response to the lesser restrictions. Of course, with Sony still being the one who offers self-publishing, it's easy to understand why developers — many of which I assume to be indie in this survey — prefer the PlayStation 4.