EVE Online gets new features in Phoebe update

Too many features almost

It's always fun when a game gets new features, especially when that game is EVE Online. You know, the game that had that massive online space ship battle.

The new features come in the form of the 'Phoebe' update and there are a host of changes.

A concise look at what Pheobe is bringing would be something like this:

  • Invention updates
  • Long distance travel changes 
  • Invention updates
  • New and rebalanced exploration rewards
  • Unlimited skill queues added
  • New Mission Objective Guidence System
  • UI changes
  • More

Honestly though, that's not even covering the half of it. You can check out the full patch notes or get a nice overview from CCP Seagull on the EVE Online Dev Blog.

[Eve Online]