Evolve is going Free To Play today

Exactly how "free" is free?

Evolve has decided to travel down the road that man has traveled down before, it's glory days are over and starting today Evolve will be a Free To Play title on PC.

Originally, Evolve released back in February 10th, 2015 worldwide for all major platforms and today, June 7th 2016, less than a year and a half since its initial launch Evolve is going Free To Play as "Evolve Stage 2". Evolve is a 4v1 PvP game with four players hunting a big terrifying monster, which almost felt like a Free To Play game at launch, and now the decision has been made.

In the video bellow you can gat a little taste of what's to come and see that the developers are actually happy to get teh chance to keep on working with Evolve.

For now, Evolve is only going Free To Play on PC, players who bought Evolve are getting a little extra to compensate their purchase.

When logging into Evolve on via Steam player who bought the game will be getting a "Founders Status". Founders will get everything they have paid for transferred into the evolved version of Evolve and they will also  "get exclusive badges, skins and other cosmetic items". Founders will also get "3,000 Silver Keys, all past and future Adaptations for previously owned Hunters and Monsters, dozens of Weapon Skins, and four unique, animated Founder badges.".

Stay tuned to GameZone as we will be digging exactly how free Evolve Stage 2 will be.