Evolve’s Open Beta reveals the multiplayer is balanced

Except for the Wraith, but that's been fixed

Turtle Rock Studios treated Xbox One owners to an open beta a couple weeks ago. There are a couple things that the developers took away from the beta and a couple of feedback driven changes that hit the game.

The open beta had players stress testing servers, bringing bugs to light so they could be squashed, and most importantly, it let Turtle Rock Studios what characters needed balancing in the game.

For anyone that complained that monsters were too strong, check this statistic out: The game was is so balanced that Hunters won by a 1.5% margin – 51.5% of the time Hunters won versus 48.5% of the time monsters winning. If you made a specific claim that the Wraith was too strong, you were right – the Wraith has nerfs planned.

Here are the Wraith's changes:

  • The Wraith can no longer warp while cloaked.
  • Decoy takes 30% longer to cool down. 
  • Supernova damage reduced by 10%. 
  • Abduction radius increased by .5 meters (now 3.5). 
  • Warp Blast radius increased by .5 meters (now 8.5). 

The most important thing to note is that Turtle Rock will revisit the game after it releases to ensure that the game is balanced.

[Turtle Rock]