Evolve Xbox One pre-purchase gives players exclusive access to Hunters and Monster

No grinding necessary

Pre-purchasing Evolve on the Xbox One will get you exclusive access to a number of extras, not only when the game launches – but during the Xbox One Open Beta as well. 

Almost every game offers different tiers of unlockable items, characters or skills as you progress through the game. If you pre-purchase Evolve for the Xbox One, you don't necessarily need to go through the process of unlocking characters through progress.

Your pre-purchase secures you access to one Monster and four Hunters: Wraith, Parnell, Abe, Caira, and Cabot. You will have access to these characters during the Xbox One Open Beta (that begins on January 15th) and when the game launches on February 10th. Bottom line, if you buy the game before it releases you don't have to grind for access to characters. This leg up has been deemed questionable and somewhat unfair by those playing on the PC and PlayStation 4 – as well as those that choose not to pre-purchase games. 
