Ew, why is this game being offered to Club Nintendo members?

Ugh … If you've been saving up your Club Nintendo Coins to get something cool, keep holding on to them. The latest "prize" has just landed on the Big N's free membership service, and it's absolutely hideous.

PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit is a board-game inspired title. But unlike games such as Mario Party, this one's no good. Like, seriously, just stay away.

If for some reason you want to shell out your digital Coins for this game, first things first: Seek help now because you probably drink too much. Also, if you really do want to play Pop-Up Pursuit, know that it'll run you 150 Coins. Hardly worth it, I'd say.

For a bunch of indie game and burrito talk, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.

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David Sanchez is the most honest man on the internet. You can trust him because he speaks in the third person.