Ex-Bizarre Creations team closes down its Hogrocket studio

A few studios were formed after the downfall of Activision's Bizarre Creations. One of those developers was Hogrocket which went on to create Tiny Invaders for iOS platforms.

It looks like the team members have gone their separate ways, putting Hogrocket in an "indefinite hiatus" status. According to reports, the group decided to disband as a result of getting job opportunities elsewhere.

"Unfortunately Hogrocket is on indefinite hiatus and the three of us have all moved onto new things," said Hogrocket's Peter Collier. "This was due to a combination of factors, ranging from geographical to financial. It's sad but the three of us all learned a lot."

I think we can all agree that a small studio calling it quits after its members entered other ventures is better than said small studio being forced to close down with no clear future, right?

[GamesIndustry International]

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