Explore Hellblade’s gameplay in this new trailer

A look behind the curtain. Literally.

Developer Ninja Theory today released a new “early in-development” gameplay trailer showing off the unorthodox gameplay of its next title, Hellblade.

Ignoring the possibility of a radical design change, it seems Hellblade will play out as a third-person, somewhat over-the-shoulder, and melee-based action game. The game’s combat is notably slower and more realistic than Ninja Theory’s previous titles, such as Heavenly Sword and DmC: Devil May Cry, and emanates an almost Chivalry quality.

Exploration will also be integral to the game, much of which appears to be based on optical illusions tucked away within the environment. The unique camera perspective is retained throughout these sections as well, always favoring Senua as the focal point.

We saw the new trailer’s introduction in the game's E3 2015 trailer, in which the team explored the mental baggage of protagonist Senua. Ravaged by her violent past, Senua struggles with the foreign Viking threat, dramatizing them in her own head and giving them their excessively grotesque appearance.

Senua’s condition is interwoven with both combat and narrative, hence the commentating voices she hears throughout. These voices may also player a greater role in combat by providing useful alerts and tips on guarding and the like.

Source [Ninja Theory on YouTube