Facebook ups the laziness level with personal digital assistant ‘M’

I never have to remember a birthday again.

Both Microsoft and Apple are looking to manage your lives with their personal digital assistants, and whether you choose Cortana or Siri, there's a third player entering the game. Meet 'M,' a personal digital assistant inside of the Facebook Messenger App that is here to help you be as lazy as humanly possible.

If you're tired of forgetting and going out of your way late at night to buy things for your friends or family on their birthday, M is there to help you. Want to manage your appointments, book reservations at restaurants and more? M is happy to help.

According to Facebook executive David Marcus, M "can purchase items, get gifts delivered to your loved ones, book restaurants, travel arrangements, appointments, and way more." Because M is hooked up into your Facebook, every upcoming event will give you an option to do something with. Think of it this way, you never have to personally buy your significant other flowers or gifts on your anniversary ever again. M can do that, M can even book your dates… One day, maybe M is going to roll up and steal your girl 'cause M has been so good to them.

Mr. Steal your Girl