The gaming community has done some pretty amazing things with Fallout 4 mods, but there's one in particular that's garnering much attention of late.
Much like Florida, Fallout 4's Commonwealth doesn't experience a changing of seasons; a bit odd considering it's located in the Northeast which is known for some pretty harsh winters. To address the issue, community member "GameDuchess" has created a mod that brings together a slew of textures and other mods that, when combined, gives you access to the different seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall — each with distinct coloration, foliage, and textures.
Whereas the Commonwealth in Fallout 4 exists mostly as a barren wasteland following nuclear-annihilation, the Seasons mod adds grass, living plants, and even snow depending on the season.
For example, the spring season is "quite colorful" with bright blooming flowers and plants. Winter is just the opposite. Everything is covered in snow and "most everything is dead or dried out or slumbering."
It's something GameDuchess says is inspired by modern day photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — two cities that suffered from nuclear bomb attacks in World War II. "Those places are extremely green and growing," GameDuchess told Eurogamer, "with nature and animals there as much if not more than they were before the atomic bombs went off. And it's been far less than 200 years."
Currently, the seasons do not cycle using in-game data,s o you have to switch them manually. However, GameDuchess is hoping to create a more realistic seasonal pattern once the Fallout 4 Creation Kit is released.
Check out the changing seasons in action below. The Fallout 4 Seasons mod can be downloaded here.