Fallout 4 player binges, loses job and wife, sues Bethesda

If Bethesda would have 'warned' him, this wouldn't have happened.

After Fallout 4's release in November, things have been relatively quiet around the game and that might be because everyone has become addicted to the game – at least that's the case for one person. According to RT, a 28-year-old man from Krasnoyarsk who downloaded the game with the intention of playing a couple of nights a week, but instead became addicted and played for three straight weeks. 

His gaming binge was not without repercussions, he regularly skipped out on work, which resulted in him losing his job. He stopped speaking to his friends and wife, which resulted in her leaving him. He even started to suffer health issues from no sleeping or eating.

“If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it," said the man. "I would not have bought it, or I would have left it until I was on holiday or until the New Year holidays."

Apparently, Bethesda should be held responsible for this man's inability to turn his PC off and take a break.

The unnamed Krasnoyarsk man has revealed that he intends to sue Bethesda and the Russian localization firm for 500,000 roubles ($7,000) for emotional distress. This type of lawsuit has never been done in Russia, so the firm representing the man is saying they will "see how far we can go regarding this case.

It sounds like Bethesda needs to slap a warning label on the game saying it's 'highly addictive,' so no one else sues them.