Categories: News

Fallout 4’s Codsworth knows exactly 922 names, here they are

By now, you've probably seen countless videos online of Fallout 4's companion robot butler, Codsworth, attempting to say your character's name in-game. It's a relatively small feature in the grand scheme of things, but let's face it, everyone wants to know if their name is actually in the game.

As previously addressed, voice actor Stephen Russell recorded nearly a 1,000 different names for the game. While impressive, it's no doubt disheartening when you find out your name — Barbara, Beth, Carl, Lisa, Tatiana, to name a few — is absent from the list, probably skipped over for one of the many pop culture references like "Katniss" and "Furiosa."

Turns out, there are exactly 924 names to choose from that Codsworth will recognize and say (via Reddit), including "F**kface" and "Boobies," because we're grown children. Here they are:

  1. Aaliyah
  2. Aaron
  3. Abigail
  4. Abram
  5. Abrams
  6. Adalyn
  7. Adam
  8. Adams
  9. Addison
  10. Adeline
  11. Adrian
  12. Ahn
  13. Aideen
  14. Aiden
  15. Akira
  16. Al
  17. Alaina
  18. Alan
  19. Alana
  20. Alex
  21. Alexander
  22. Alexandra
  23. Alexis
  24. Alice
  25. Allen
  26. Allison
  27. Altman
  28. Alyssa
  29. Amanda
  30. Amelia
  31. Anderson
  32. Andonov
  33. Andrew
  34. Andy
  35. Angel
  36. Angela
  37. Anna
  38. Annabelle
  39. Anthony
  40. Archer
  41. Aria
  42. Arianna
  43. Asdf
  44. Ash
  45. Asher
  46. Ashford
  47. Ashley
  48. Asimov
  49. Assface
  50. Atkins
  51. Atkinson
  52. Atom
  53. Atomic
  54. Atticus
  55. Aubrey
  56. Audrey
  57. Austin
  58. Autumn
  59. Ava
  60. Avery
  61. Bacon
  62. Badass
  63. Bailey
  64. Baker
  65. Banner
  66. Bannerman
  67. Bannion
  68. Barnes
  69. Barron
  70. Barry
  71. Bash
  72. Bastard
  73. Battosai
  74. Batty
  75. Baudoin
  76. Bell
  77. Bella
  78. Ben
  79. Benjamin
  80. Bennell
  81. Bennett
  82. Bentley
  83. Bery
  84. Bill
  85. Billy
  86. Bilodeau
  87. Black
  88. Blaise
  89. Blake
  90. Blaze
  91. Bob
  92. Bobbi
  93. Bobby
  94. Bogdanove
  95. Bond
  96. Boob
  97. Boobie
  98. Boobies
  99. Boom
  100. Boston
  101. Bowman
  102. Bradley
  103. Braun
  104. Brayden
  105. Brenda
  106. Brenna
  107. Brian
  108. Brianna
  109. Brick
  110. Brigner
  111. Brock
  112. Brody
  113. Brooklyn
  114. Brooks
  115. Browder
  116. Brown
  117. Browne
  118. Bruce
  119. Bruckheimer
  120. Bryan
  121. Bryant
  122. Buffy
  123. Bulger
  124. Bull
  125. Burgess
  126. Burke
  127. Burt
  128. Butch
  129. Butler
  130. Caden
  131. Cal
  132. Caleb
  133. Callie
  134. Camden
  135. Camilla
  136. Campbell
  137. Capable
  138. Carey
  139. Carnow
  140. Carofano
  141. Caroline
  142. Carson
  143. Carter
  144. Carver
  145. Casserly
  146. Castle
  147. Catherine
  148. Cha
  149. Chapin
  150. Chappy
  151. Charles
  152. Charlie
  153. Charlotte
  154. Chase
  155. Cheng
  156. Cherise
  157. Cherry
  158. CherryBomb
  159. Chloe
  160. Chopper
  161. Chris
  162. Christian
  163. Christiane
  164. Christopher
  165. Church
  166. Claire
  167. Clara
  168. Clark
  169. Clarke
  170. Claw
  171. Clemens
  172. Clunk
  173. Cobb
  174. Cobra
  175. Cock
  176. Cockerham
  177. Cole
  178. Colin
  179. Collins
  180. Colton
  181. Conall
  182. Connor
  183. Cook
  184. Cooke
  185. Cooper
  186. Cormac
  187. Corman
  188. Cornelius
  189. Cornett
  190. Corrie
  191. Corrine
  192. Corvo
  193. Corwin
  194. Cory
  195. Cosgrove
  196. Courtenay
  197. Courtney
  198. Cox
  199. Coyle
  200. Craig
  201. Crash
  202. Cruz
  203. Cubbison
  204. Cullen
  205. Cummings
  206. Dag
  207. Damien
  208. Dan
  209. Dane
  210. Danger
  211. Daniel
  212. Daniels
  213. Danny
  214. Darrel
  215. Darren
  216. Darryl
  217. Daryl
  218. Dave
  219. David
  220. Davis
  221. Dawson
  222. Deag
  223. Death
  224. Deb
  225. Debbie
  226. Deborah
  227. Deckard
  228. Declan
  229. Deitrick
  230. Delaney
  231. Dell
  232. Dennis
  233. Denton
  234. Deschain
  235. Deth
  236. Diana
  237. Diane
  238. DiAngelo
  239. Diaz
  240. Dick
  241. DiMaggio
  242. Dinolt
  243. DJ
  244. Django
  245. Dom
  246. Domics
  247. Dominguez
  248. Dominic
  249. Don
  250. Donald
  251. Dong
  252. DongJun
  253. Donnie
  254. Donny
  255. Doug
  256. Douglas
  257. Dragon
  258. Draper
  259. Dulany
  260. Dutch
  261. Duvall
  262. Dylan
  263. Eagle
  264. East
  265. Ed
  266. Eddie
  267. Eddy
  268. Edwards
  269. Elena
  270. Eli
  271. Eliana
  272. Elijah
  273. Elizabeth
  274. Ella
  275. Ellie
  276. Elliot
  277. Elliott
  278. Emil
  279. Emile
  280. Emily
  281. Emma
  282. Erectus
  283. Eric
  284. Erik
  285. Erin
  286. Ernest
  287. Ernie
  288. Ethan
  289. Eugene
  290. Eva
  291. Evan
  292. Evans
  293. Evelyn
  294. Everdeen
  295. Everett
  296. Felipe
  297. Ferret
  298. Fifi
  299. Finn
  300. Finster
  301. Fiona
  302. Fisher
  303. Flag
  304. Flagg
  305. Flash
  306. Flores
  307. Flynn
  308. Foster
  309. Fox
  310. Fragile
  311. Francis
  312. Franke
  313. Freeman
  314. Frost
  315. Fuck
  316. Fucker
  317. Fuckface
  318. Furiosa
  319. Fury
  320. Gabriel
  321. Gabriella
  322. Gardiner
  323. Gary
  324. Gavin
  325. Gene
  326. George
  327. Georgia
  328. Gerry
  329. Gianna
  330. Gil
  331. Glen
  332. Gomez
  333. Gonzalez
  334. Goose
  335. Gordon
  336. Graber
  337. Grace
  338. Grant
  339. Gravato
  340. Gray
  341. Grayson
  342. Greco
  343. Green
  344. Greene
  345. Grey
  346. Griffin
  347. Grognak
  348. Gryphon
  349. Gutierrez
  350. Guy
  351. Hackman
  352. Hailey
  353. Hall
  354. Ham
  355. Hamilton
  356. Hamm
  357. Hammer
  358. Hammett
  359. Hamrick
  360. Han
  361. Hannah
  362. Hans
  363. Harden
  364. Hardi
  365. Harold
  366. Harper
  367. Harris
  368. Harry
  369. Haschart
  370. Hasenbuhler
  371. Hastings
  372. Hawk
  373. Hawke
  374. Hazel
  375. Henning
  376. Henry
  377. Herbert
  378. Hicks
  379. Hill
  380. Hines
  381. Holly
  382. Holmes
  383. Hook
  384. Hopgood
  385. Houle
  386. Howard
  387. Hudson
  388. Hughes
  389. Humongous
  390. Humungus
  391. Hyun
  392. Ian
  393. Ilya
  394. Imperator
  395. Indiana
  396. Indy
  397. Isaac
  398. Isabella
  399. Isabelle
  400. Isaiah
  401. Ist
  402. Istvan
  403. J.P.
  404. Jack
  405. Jackson
  406. Jacob
  407. Jag
  408. Jake
  409. James
  410. Jangjoon
  411. Jasmine
  412. Jason
  413. Jay
  414. Jayce
  415. Jayden
  416. Jeff
  417. Jeffery
  418. Jen
  419. Jenkins
  420. Jennifer
  421. Jeremiah
  422. Jeremy
  423. Jerry
  424. Jerusalem
  425. Jess
  426. Jessica
  427. Jessie
  428. Jet
  429. Jim
  430. Jimmy
  431. Joan
  432. Joe
  433. Joel
  434. Joey
  435. John
  436. Johnson
  437. Jon
  438. Jonathan
  439. Jones
  440. JonPaul
  441. Jordan
  442. Jordyn
  443. Joseph
  444. Josh
  445. Joshua
  446. Josiah
  447. JP
  448. Juan
  449. Julia
  450. Julian
  451. Juliana
  452. Justin
  453. Kaela
  454. Kaelyn
  455. Kaitlyn
  456. Kal
  457. KalEl
  458. Kaneda
  459. Kate
  460. Katharine
  461. Katherine
  462. Katniss
  463. Kauffman
  464. Kayla
  465. Kaylee
  466. Keira
  467. Kelley
  468. Kelly
  469. Kelvin
  470. Ken
  471. Kennedy
  472. Kenshin
  473. Kevin
  474. Kim
  475. King
  476. Kirk
  477. Knight
  478. Krietz
  479. Kuhlmann
  480. Kurt
  481. Kylie
  482. Lafferty
  483. Lamb
  484. Landon
  485. Lane
  486. Langlois
  487. Laura
  488. Lauren
  489. Laurie
  490. Layla
  491. Lea
  492. Leah
  493. Lederer
  494. Lee
  495. Leo
  496. Leon
  497. Les
  498. Leslie
  499. Levi
  500. Lewis
  501. Li
  502. Liam
  503. Liesegang
  504. Lila
  505. Liliana
  506. Lillian
  507. Lily
  508. Lincoln
  509. Linda
  510. Lionheart
  511. Lipari
  512. Liz
  513. Logan
  514. London
  515. Loner
  516. Long
  517. Lopez
  518. Losi
  519. Lucas
  520. Luce
  521. Lucy
  522. Luke
  523. Lundin
  524. Lupe
  525. Lynda
  526. Maam
  527. Mackenzie
  528. Macklin
  529. Madam
  530. Madeleine
  531. Madelyn
  532. Madison
  533. Makayla
  534. Mal
  535. Malcolm
  536. Mamba
  537. Mandy
  538. Mara
  539. Marcus
  540. Marge
  541. Maria
  542. Marie
  543. Marji
  544. Marjorie
  545. Mark
  546. Markiepoo
  547. Marko
  548. Markus
  549. Marlowe
  550. Marsden
  551. Martin
  552. Martinez
  553. Marty
  554. Mary
  555. Mason
  556. Mateo
  557. Matt
  558. Matthew
  559. Matty
  560. Max
  561. Maya
  562. McCoy
  563. McDyer
  564. McFly
  565. McKay
  566. McPherson
  567. Means
  568. Megan
  569. Meister
  570. Mejillones
  571. Mia
  572. Micah
  573. Michael
  574. Michonne
  575. Miguel
  576. Mikami
  577. Mike
  578. Mila
  579. Miles
  580. Miller
  581. Mitchell
  582. Mohammed
  583. Molly
  584. Monster
  585. Montana
  586. Moonves
  587. Moore
  588. Morales
  589. Morgan
  590. Morgue
  591. Morpheus
  592. Morris
  593. Muck
  594. Mudguts
  595. Muhammad
  596. Mulder
  597. Muldoon
  598. Murphy
  599. Myers
  600. Nadia
  601. Nancy
  602. Nanes
  603. Nardone
  604. Nasty
  605. Natalia
  606. Natalie
  607. Natasha
  608. Nate
  609. Nathan
  610. Nathaniel
  611. Nazarov
  612. Neary
  613. Nelson
  614. Neo
  615. Nesmith
  616. Neville
  617. Nguyen
  618. Nicholas
  619. Nico
  620. Nipple
  621. Noah
  622. Nogueira
  623. Nolan
  624. Noonan
  625. Nora
  626. Norm
  627. Norman
  628. Normand
  629. North
  630. Northup
  631. Nourmohammadi
  632. Nuclear
  633. Nuke
  634. Olds
  635. Oliver
  636. Olivia
  637. Ollie
  638. Olsen
  639. Olson
  640. Optical
  641. Orgasmo
  642. Orin
  643. Ortiz
  644. Owen
  645. Owens
  646. Pagliarulo
  647. Palmer
  648. Paris
  649. Parker
  650. Parson
  651. Pat
  652. Patrick
  653. Patty
  654. Paul
  655. Pely
  656. Pendleton
  657. Penelope
  658. Perez
  659. Perry
  660. Pete
  661. Peter
  662. Peterson
  663. Peyton
  664. Phil
  665. Philip
  666. Phillips
  667. Picard
  668. Plissken
  669. Powell
  670. Preacher
  671. Price
  672. Priest
  673. Prince
  674. Princess
  675. Psycho
  676. Puma
  677. Purkey
  678. Purkeypile
  679. Python
  680. Qin
  681. Quartermain
  682. Quatermass
  683. Queen
  684. Quinn
  685. Rabil
  686. Raf
  687. Rafael
  688. Ramirez
  689. Ramsey
  690. Randal
  691. Randall
  692. Rankin
  693. Rapp
  694. Ray
  695. Raymond
  696. Reagan
  697. Red
  698. Reed
  699. Reese
  700. Rex
  701. Reyes
  702. Reynolds
  703. Ricardo
  704. Richard
  705. Richards
  706. Richardson
  707. Rick
  708. Ricky
  709. Rictus
  710. Riddick
  711. Riley
  712. Ripken
  713. Ripley
  714. River
  715. Rivera
  716. Rob
  717. Robb
  718. Robert
  719. Roberts
  720. Robinson
  721. Rock
  722. Rockatansky
  723. Rocky
  724. Rodriguez
  725. Roger
  726. Rogers
  727. Roland
  728. Rollins
  729. Romanov
  730. Romanova
  731. Romero
  732. Ron
  733. Ronald
  734. Ronnie
  735. Ronny
  736. Rook
  737. Rosa
  738. Rose
  739. Ross
  740. Roy
  741. Ruby
  742. Russell
  743. Ryan
  744. Sadie
  745. Sage
  746. Salvatore
  747. Sam
  748. Samantha
  749. Sammie
  750. Sammy
  751. Samuel
  752. Sanchez
  753. Sanders
  754. Sandra
  755. Sanjuro
  756. Sara
  757. Sarah
  758. Sarse
  759. Savannah
  760. Sawyer
  761. Scarlett
  762. Schaefer
  763. Scharf
  764. Schram
  765. Schreiber
  766. Scott
  767. Scully
  768. Sears
  769. Sebastian
  770. Selena
  771. Seljenes
  772. Serena
  773. Seth
  774. Sex
  775. Sexy
  776. Shane
  777. Shannon
  778. Sheiman
  779. Shen
  780. Shinji
  781. Shrike
  782. Sidney
  783. Simmons
  784. Singer
  785. Sir
  786. Skyler
  787. Slaughter
  788. Slinger
  789. Slit
  790. Sloan
  791. Smirnova
  792. Smith
  793. Snake
  794. Snow
  795. Snyder
  796. Solo
  797. Solomon
  798. Sophia
  799. Sophie
  800. South
  801. Southie
  802. Spade
  803. Spider
  804. Spike
  805. Splendid
  806. Spring
  807. Springsteen
  808. Stark
  809. Stef
  810. Stella
  811. Steph
  812. Stephanie
  813. Stephen
  814. Sterling
  815. Steve
  816. Steven
  817. Steward
  818. Stewart
  819. Stone
  820. Struthers
  821. Stuart
  822. Sullivan
  823. Summer
  824. Sunshine
  825. Sweetpea
  826. Sydney
  827. Tallahassee
  828. Taylor
  829. Teare
  830. Ted
  831. Teddy
  832. Teitel
  833. Tesla
  834. Tetsuo
  835. Texas
  836. Thomas
  837. Thompson
  838. Thorn
  839. Thorne
  840. Tiana
  841. Tim
  842. Timmy
  843. Timothy
  844. Tit
  845. Tittie
  846. Titties
  847. Toadie
  848. Toast
  849. Todd
  850. Toecutter
  851. Tom
  852. Tommy
  853. Tonon
  854. Tony
  855. Torres
  856. Tracey
  857. Tracy
  858. Treadway
  859. Tresnjak
  860. Trinity
  861. Tristan
  862. Trump
  863. Tuck
  864. Turner
  865. Tyler
  866. Unbreakable
  867. Utting
  868. Valenti
  869. Valentina
  870. Valkyrie
  871. Vargas
  872. Vash
  873. Venkman
  874. Vic
  875. Vicens
  876. Victoria
  877. Violet
  878. Vivian
  879. Vlatko
  880. Wagner
  881. Walker
  882. Walton
  883. Wanderer
  884. Ward
  885. Washington
  886. Watson
  887. Watts
  888. Wayne
  889. Webb
  890. Wells
  891. Wes
  892. West
  893. Weyland
  894. Wez
  895. White
  896. Whitey
  897. Wikus
  898. Will
  899. William
  900. Williams
  901. Willy
  902. Wilson
  903. Winter
  904. Wisnewski
  905. Wood
  906. Woodward
  907. Wright
  908. Wyatt
  909. Xavier
  910. Yan
  911. Yojimbo
  912. Yorick
  913. Young
  914. Yutani
  915. Zachary
  916. Zdana
  917. Zed
  918. Zenith
  919. Zetta
  920. Ziggy
  921. Zip
  922. Zoe
Matt Liebl

Published by
Matt Liebl

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