Fallout Shelter players love getting it on

Bethesda reveals impressive stats for hit mobile game Fallout Shelter

What's a dweller to do when their stuck underground working the power generator and water treatment all day? How do you let off steam? In Fallout Shelter, the answer is easy: make sweet, sweet love and produce a baby to provide more helping hands.

Bethesda released today an infographic for their new hit mobile game Fallout Shelter and among the statistics that stood out were nearly 82 million births. That means vault dwellers got their freak on 81,996,694 times. Considering the game has only been out for just two months on iOS and just launched on Android, it's amazing Vault Boy still has the energy to browse Tinder.

Other statistics include a whopping 29 million hours played, 21 million deaths while exploring the wasteland, and over 1 billion sessions played. You can check out the full infographic below:

Fallout Shelter infographic