Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse screens show off special abilities like farts and sex dolls

Activision has released new screenshots for the upcoming Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse. These particular images show off special abilities for the game's characters, and as you'd probably expect, they're pleasantly wacky.

Quagmire can use a sex doll that acts as a shield. Peter will fart with no remorse and daze enemies. Meg can show off her disgusting innie and outie. Additionally, players will be able to purchase a special ability for Stewie that allows his teddy bear Rupert to fire away using a powerful turret.

Back to the Multiverse seems to be getting crazier and crazier, which is certainly a good thing. If you're a fan of the animated show, check out the screens in our gallery.

Hey, remember the time when the game's launch date was announced?

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