Fantastic Four writer says sequel/reboot will only happen if the the story is “100% right”

We'd hope so.

Fantastic Four has gone through two different reboots (if we count that movie in the 90s that never officially released), the series in the early 2000s wasn't incredibly well received but it could've been worse. How do we know that? Because it got worse, like a lot worse. In 2015, Fox rebooted the series with Chronicle director Josh Trank directing. Before release, there were rumors of studio meddling and lots of on set fighting between the cast and crew. Josh Trank and some writers had written (and even shot) a very different film but Fox came in at the end and reshot the scenes behind his back.

The results? An incredibly poorly made film that shifts in tone and becomes nearly incompetent by the end of the movie. It's widely regarded as the worst superhero movie ever made and Fox silently cancelled the sequel they had planned.

So, is there a chance the four incredible (sorry, fantastic) heroes will ever return to the big screen or have they had too many chances? Fantastic Four and X-Men writer Simon Kinberg says they're on incredibly thin ice, but they could potentially return.

When speaking to Collider about the upcoming Wolverine film, Logan, he was asked about the future of Fantastic Four.

"I think the truth is we would not make another Fantastic Four movie until it was ready to be made. One of the lessons we learned on that movie is that we want to make sure we get it 100% right, because we will not get another chance with the fans."

He's probably right. Hopefully, if they do another film it'll turn out well but Fox's track record with some superhero movies have been slightly shaky. They've had great success with movies like X-Men: Days of Future Past, Deadpool, and it seems Logan will be regarded as one of the best superhero movies.

Would you see another Fantastic Four or have you been burnt too hard? Let