Capcom’s latest crossover with Namco finally has content to show for itself. The official website for Street Fighter X Tekken launched yesterday, along with two trailers and a bunch of new characters.
Abel, Bob, Guile, Ken, King, and Marduk have all been added to the roster, which until recently only contained two big stars from Street Fighter and Tekken: Kazuya and Ryu. Keep your eyes peeled for more character unveilings until you can cross off one of your fantasy fights.
The familiar tag battle mode (as seen in the Tekken Tag and Marvel vs. Capcom games) will make a much-needed appearance, meaning you’ll be able to throw together some pretty compelling teams. I’m going to guess that it won’t be long before a Kazuya, King, and Ryu combo occupies the majority of online matches, so prepare yourselves.
Street Fighter X Tekken is set for a 2012 release on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Check out the two new trailers for the game below, and try not to imagine what you’ll be doing to Ryu as Yoshimitsu (presuming he’s confirmed) too much.