Fenix Rage coming to PS Vita

Releasing alongside the PS4 version

Green Lava Studios' punishing platformer Fenix Rage is coming to PlayStation Vita, the developer announced today. The goal is to have it released at the same time as the PS4 version which is due out in early 2015. There was no mention of any sort of cross-buy, but I assume that'll be talked about closer to release.

It's unclear how the PlayStation versions of the 2D action-platformer will differ from the PC version, but Green Lava Studios acknowledged they are still "very early in the process" of planning out what gameplay changes they want to make, as well as what types of new features they want to add.

We actually reviewed the PC version of Fenix Rage when it first released and although it was painstakingly difficult, we really enjoyed it. I can't imagine it getting any easier on the small screen, but I say bring on the pain.

Side note, those cookies look delicious but they are way too hard to actually get to.