Fez has released on iOS as a $5 ‘Pocket Edition’

Polytron has brought the game to mobile.

Phil Fish's 2012 masterpiece has found one more audience on iOS. Fez has just released on the Apple Store, retailing for $5, which is a tad on the expensive side for a mobile game, but considering its pedigree and higher price point on other platforms, it's certainly the cheapest of the bunch.

Fez originally released back in 2012 as an Xbox Live Arcade game back in the platform's rather epic heyday. The game was one of the focal points of Indie Game: The Movie, alongside the likes of Super Meat Boy and Braid, which documented the struggles of developing games independently. Fez went on to release on PlayStation 4, Steam, and PS Vita, with iOS' release potentially being the most interesting port yet.

Seeing as how the game has to be played entirely with touch controls, it will be interesting to see how well developer Polytron was able to make it work. That said, if you haven't already tried out Fez for whatever reason, do yourself a favor and pick it up in some fashion, you won't regret it.

[Apple Store via ResetEra]