FIFA 14 gets a day one update. The internet giggles.

Over the last few days, the internet has dedicated a significant amount of time to poking fun at FIFA 14. EA, the publisher behind the franchise, has been criticized for creating a sequel that's nearly identical to its predecessor. However, that hasn't  stopped FIFA 14 from racking up some fairly respectable review scores.
But making fun of FIFA 14 just got even easier, because EA has announced a day one update. Why would a game that's simply a clone of last year's version need a patch on release day? We're a little confused too. 
Either way, here's what EA has to say about the update: 
"Upon starting up FIFA 14 for the first time you'll notice a title update will be made available. The update addresses stability issues found in the closed beta and minor fixes to a couple game mode (Skill Games, Creation Centre) items. Please, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to restart and download the title update in an active session as this will enhance stability when matching up with other players online who have accepted the update." 
EA's post also mentions a freezing issue that's being investigated and will be addressed with a future patch. 
Even though FIFA 14 has become the butt of so many jokes, it's still a big part of EA's lineup. So, fixing the game's mechanical issues is undoubtedly on the top of the publisher's to-do list. 
So, keep your fingers crossed, FIFA fans. Hopefully the updates go smoothly.