Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn Patch 2.15 notes

Patch 2.15 for Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn has gone live. With it comes additions and changes to the Wolves' Den, FATEs, the Crystal Tower and more. 

One of the more notable changes is the one made to gathering points (GP). Now, players will be able to accumulate GP when playing as a Disciple of War, Magic, or the Hand. Also, GP doesn't reset when changing to a non-gathering class. Here's the rundown of some of the changes made to playable content:

  • Guild Leves – In battlecraft escort leves, emotes used to guide NPCs will now be effective from longer range. To preserve game balance in light of this, the difficulty of the following guildleves have been increased.
  • Guildhests – The level cap for all guildhests have been reduced by one to restore game balance, since there was increased participation of level synced players, making guildhests easier.
  • FATEs

    • beast tribe quest FATEs

      • The rate at which FATEs appear has been increased
      • Players who receive a gold or silver rating will be rewarded with quest items regardless of completion for the following FATEs: A Wrench in the Works / What a Boar / Quenching the Flame
    • Difficulty of the following FATEs required to unlock the Labyrinth of the Ancients has been decreased: The Storm Caller / He's a Firestarter / Making Waves / Stopping the Shakes
  • the Wolves' Den balance adjustments

    • The PvP action Weapon Throw will trigger additional effects regardless of positioning
    • Arcanist and Summoner can no longer use the spell Resurrection
    • The status effect Disease no longer inflicts the heavy effect
    • In order to prevent unbalanced party compositions when using the duty finder, the following changes to party requirements have been made only for the Wolves' Den:

      • Tank: 1 –> Tank: 1
      • Healer 1 –> Healer: 1
      • DPS: 2 –> Melee DPS: 1 and Ranged DPS: 1

For the full patch notes, including a list of resolved issues and confirmed bugs, visit the Lodestone.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]