Final Fantasy 9 hits iOS and Android at a discount

The PlayStation classic is back!

Back in 2000, Square Enix released Final Fantasy 9 for the original PlayStation and now 16 years laters, the game has officially been released on mobile devices. The PlayStation classic is available on the App Store and Google Play for $16.99, discounted from what will eventually be regular price of $20.99 starting February 21st.

Final Fantasy 9's mobile version isn't a straight port, as the game has been remastered to feature high-definition movies and character models. A new cloud save feature has been implemented into the mobile port, allowing players to back up save data and play across multiple compatible devices.

In addition to cloud saving, the game will feature auto saving and seven all-new optional booster features. These booster features include high speed mode and no encounter mode, which will allow players to automatically master equipped weapons and gear, as well as maximize character levels, magic stone counts and gil.

The discount for Final Fantasy 9 will be available until February 21st.