Hironobu Sakaguchi, best known as the creator of Final Fantasy and more recently as head of Mistwalker Corp., will soon take to PAX Prime 2014 to explain his history of developing RPGs.
The panel, “Hironobu Sakaguchi Reflection: Past, Present, Future or RPGs,” will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Hedgehog Theater on the first day of the event, August 29. As Destructoid reports, Mistwalker will also make an appearance, alongside Terra Battle, an upcoming iOS and Android RPG.
Gamescom is still the talk of the town with Sony’s new horror teaser and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s multiplayer reveal heading the charge, but PAX is slowly entering the limelight. Saints Row developer Volition has promised to reveal a new game at the event, which will take place in the Seattle area August 29 through September 1.
[Gamasutra via Destructoid]