Final Fantasy XV Wait Mode introduces semi-turn based combat

Allows you to pause the game mid fight

A while back, Final Fantasy developer Square Enix revealed that they were integrating both real time and turn based combat into Final Fantasy XV. Although it sounded good, we really had no idea on exactly how this would be done.

Well, this week at E3 they revealed the game's Wait Mode. This will allow you to pause the combat when you go to attack in order to target enemies and even their individual body parts. It will be done through the pause menu and allows "every player to fight like a pro" according to Square Enix. While in “wait mode,” the player can freely target enemies, aim magic spells, select teammate abilities, and much more. This mode can be switched on and off at any time during the game. 

The battle shown below has Noctis and company fighting various groups of enemies, as well as a boss at the end. At the 2:28 mark, you can see one character use Wait Mode to teleport away from the fight in order to use a warp attack on the boss for extra damage. It's designed for both those who prefer turn based RPG combat (like myself) as well as those who may not have as much practice in the most recent Final Fantasy games and real time combat. Check out the action and let us know what you think.

Final Fantasy XV releases September 30th on Xbox One and PS4. Be sure to check out the other three trailers released yesterday as well.