Final trailer for Devil May Cry 5 is bringing the goods and a surprise

WARNING! Spoilers ahead

Capcom has released a brand-new – and simply awesome – trailer for their upcoming action game Devil May Cry 5. As a Final Trailer, the developer has really made sure to craft an emotional but still hype teaser for what’s in store next week when the game comes out. But be aware, there’s a short character reveal, so if you absolutely want to experience DMC 5 fresh, make sure to tune out before the last 20 seconds of the trailer.

It’s not long now until Devil May Cry is out. On March 8th – that’s next Friday already! – the stylish saga of our favorite demon slayers is finally going to continue. Fans of the cult series had to wait well over 10 years to get a proper sequel after Devil May Cry 4 launched in the early years of last-gen. Well, that’s not entirely true since DmC: Devil May Cry exists. The 2013 title was meant to reboot the franchise and infuse it with an edgy style and new developer to make it more popular in Western markets. While DmC isn’t a bad game, it simply wasn’t the game fans wanted and it quickly got torn to shreds for its unlikable cast, writing and dumbed-down gameplay mechanics.

But at last, years after even die hard fans had lost hope of seeing a real sequel, Capcom answered their fans’ prayers by unveiling Devil May Cry 5 last year. It was all what fans were hoping for. Created by the same in-house talent at Capcom, oozing style out of every pore, the sheer joy kindled among fans made the wait both gleeful anticipation and impatient torture.

If you haven’t checked out the two demos DMC 5 received on consoles, you’ll only have to wait a few more days when Devil May Cry 5 comes out for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox One.