Final Fantasy XIV Updates Delayed

Final Fantasy XIV producer Noaki Yoshida has announced that two planned updates for the MMO have been pushed back due to the crisis in Japan. The earthquakes shut down both Final Fantasy XI and XIV servers last week, and now Square Enix is unable to work on the patches that were set for the end of March. They’ve now been pushed back to April.

“We were working to release patches 1.16a and 1.17 by the end of March, but now anticipate a delay of one to two weeks,” Yoshida said in a “letter from the producer” posted on Square Enix’s forum. “During this time, we will not only be making minor improvements, but also directing our efforts on laying the groundwork for future content.”

The disaster has prevented many on the FF team from traveling to work. Yoshida confirmed the safety of fellow employees, but the team is not functioning at its best according to the producer. “There are those with family in the affected regions,” he said. Yoshida also announced that more information regarding the Grand Companies of Eorzea, another new feature, will be released to the public shortly, probably to compensate for the delays.

Don’t forget that GameZone is running a fundraiser for the Red Cross. Square Enix, Capcom, and THQ have all donated some fantastic items.