Florida men dressed as Deadpool steal ATM

They probably wanted to buy some chimichangas.

Two Florida men decided that the best way to make some fast cash wasnt' to get a job, but to purchase two superhero hoodies and steal an entire ATM. That's right, the two didn't simply rob the ATM, they took the entire thing.

At around 2 AM cameras caught two people dressed in full-zip Deadpool hoodies breaking into a building. Once inside the building, the duo used their superhuman strength (possibly gained from wearing the Deadpool hoodie) to take an ATM machine out from a building and load it into the back of a stolen 1999 Ford E-250 van, the perfect van for every villain.

Unfortunately for our nefarious cosplayers, things went downhill from there. By some twist of fate, once the two loaded the ATM into the stolen van, they "were unable to leave the business parking lot with the ATM and left it in the back of the van," according to reports. The duo left the van and the ATM in the parking lot and got picked up in a Chevrolet Tahoe down the street. 

This isn't the first time Florida has offered us this kind of news, last year someone attempted to rob a store dressed as Darth Vader – only to be stopped by salad dressing and someone tried to steal a PS4 by shoving it in their pants.

[Brevard Police]