Flounder Heights is the squidling society's equivalent of the Japanese danchi, clusters of apartment buildings similar in style and size that are typically built by a government agency. It's kind of funny to see how much the squidling culture has mirrored our own. Even the Turf Wars take place in what could be considered their equivalent to our Nickelodeon fueled, gak filled 1990's.
Getting vertical fast is the key to victory here.
You don't care about the cultural similarities though, do you? No, you want to hear about the stage. The idea is pretty simple, Flounder Heights is bisected by a large apartment building in the center, and try as you might there's no avoiding this monolith of cheap housing.
You don't need to be Anakin Skywalker to understand the importance of having the high ground.
You can choose to quickly pass through to the other side, or you can attempted to scale and hold the position for the obvious strategic advantage it poses. Regardless, controlling this bottleneck is tantamount to owning this map. Expect a pitched battle for vertical superiority.
As usual, this stage will enter the rotation tonight at 7:00 PM PST.