Seaven Studio, a new indie studio composed primarily of seven former employees of the now closed Hydravision (Obscure 1&2, and Alone in the Dark), has announced a new project called Ethan: Meteor Hunter.
Set to release on PS3 in late summer 2013, this 2.5D puzzle-platformer sees you play as Ethan, a little rodent who gains super powers as a result of being struck by meteor fragments. These powers allow you to move objects around and freeze time. The game also throws in physics rules and elements with different properties.
According to studio co-founder Olivier Peno, Ethan: Meteor Hunter is "easy to play but hard to master."
"We’ve made the game considering both gamers who just want to have a nice 20 minutes play after a hard day’s work, as well as hardcore players who want to track down every last item and take on extra hard challenges. Speedrunners should be very pleased!" he said. Puzzles can be solved in multiple ways and progression through levels isn't linear. There is a target goal for about 50 levels across three different worlds.
[PS Blog]